Myth Buster
Myths about schizophrenia, or mental illness in general, often arise from media content and one's cultural background and beliefs. It is embedded in human nature to accept what they have seen while growing up and are influenced to believe through society's teachings. Hence, this booklet aims to debunk each existing myth, sparking the reader's interest and engagement in understanding schizophrenia better. By debunking these myths, we can foster a more supportive and inclusive society for individuals with schizophrenia.
The Schizophrenia Myth Buster booklet is targeted towards the Educated people of India who are in their teens or up. It was necessary to tackle the set of myths according to the specified audience to establish a more prominent connection between the content and the public. This was achieved in the form of a strategized questionnaire made in coordination with specialized doctors. It consisted of 14 questions to understand the extent of stigma existing in our society, no matter age or gender.
One-on-One Interviews
20 people
Discussions with teachers
and students
class of 10th graders
middle & high school teachers
Online Survey
166 responses
The results were then analyzed and a total of six common myths were derived and used in the booklet. The myths were arranged in the following order :
Myth Construction
Initial Sketches
As the name of the campaign is long, a clear typographic logo with a dynamic element was decided to be the brandmark. As they are both unique entities, they can also stand alone.
The dynamic element signifies a chaotic but beautiful plumeria flower known to be highly resilient in the harshest weather and soil conditions. Much like people who suffer from Schizophrenia are treated to societal judgements and the chaos they suffer.
But despite this chaos that surrounds them, the flower depicts that they are still human beings who have a heart and are beautiful and deserve equality.
Each person experiences different symptoms and different circumstances. Hence, the dynamic flower element is free to change in size and design.
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches