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The project derives inspiration from the book “Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future” by Elizabeth Kolbert. She describes various scenarios of humans trying to solve the problems they created and their impact on nature.

Artists like Giorgia Lupi and Gabrielle Merite have inspired me to explore the realms of Data Humanism and how it can impact people more profoundly. This was done using collages, maps and names of familiar places in the form of data portraits to decipher information engagingly.

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Data Sheet

Screenshot 2021-12-30 at 02.22.54.png

Physical Media Demonstrations

lake layering.jpg
Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 13.16.30.png

Portrait One: Paper Layering

Coloured paper & exacto knife

assemblage blore.jpg
Screenshot 2022-11-06 at 11.28.15.png

Portrait Two: Assemblage Art

Newspaper, twine and marker

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Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 16.26.03.png
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 16.19.59.png
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 16.23.33.png
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 16.13.54.png
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 16.20.57.png
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 17.22.51.png

Portrait Three: Paper Stitching

Paper, cloth, thread and watercolours

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