Unusual UNO

Empathy often arises when one experiences the horrors of schizophrenia firsthand rather than through texts or movies. Such a terrifying encounter can leave a lasting impression, fostering empathy toward those who have schizophrenia. Focusing on one symptom—auditory hallucinations—this interactive experience was created. For someone without schizophrenia, it is easy to imagine pausing the voices, but for those suffering, the voices feel all too real and can disrupt even the most mundane activities. This experience is designed to leave a profound impact, enhancing understanding and empathy.
The final sound piece is 5 minutes long, with individual tracks recorded and edited using Pro Tools and then compiled on Adobe Audition.

While listening to this composed track via headphones, a set of participants (ideally six) are asked to play an engaging game of UNO. At no point, can the headphones be taken off or the audio be paused. The experience can be stopped once the winner is declared!
This project was inspired by a BuzzFeed video, 'What is Schizophrenia Like?' where participants experience an auditory hallucination simulation, gaining empathy for the illness. The concept was also influenced by Janet Cardiff's 'Missing Voice (Case Study B)' at Whitechapel Gallery (1999), where participants use a CD player with guided audio that transports them to another reality.
Since people are often private about their illness, it was difficult to find individuals to discuss their hallucinations. However, comments under auditory hallucination simulations on YouTube provided valuable insights into personal experiences, which helped shape this piece.
Research revealed that most voices are negative and degrading, though this isn't always the case. Thus, the simulation includes a mix of negative and neutral thoughts. Considering cultural context, a famous Hindi song and phrases are also incorporated. The voices often have a tendency to be suicidal.
Separate audio clips were recorded at Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, N5 sound studio with some help from friends. A sheet of phrases was handed to them and they were allowed to say it in any random order.
A test run was then performed to understand the experience. Participants observed severe distraction and forgetfulness. Some stating it was daunting even. Apart from the final exhibition, another session was conducted along with the students of Deens Academy in the previously mentioned Workshop.